How I Became a Cannibal
I was searching for the truth and ended up a Cannibal. It started with a high-school lunchtime conversation with Jehovah Witnesses. We, along with a handful of other high-school classmates,…

You Won’t See It Coming
You won’t see it coming. Most Christians believe the “Kingdom of God/Heaven” is a future thing. They look around and don’t see any evidence that it exists. There are no markings,…

The Lezzies are Alright
Ok, ladies… you’re good. No, seriously… lesbians - female homosexuals - are A-Ok with God. for sure they’re not “not A-Ok” with God. Now, you wouldn’t know that from listening to…

Homo-Hypocrisy – Abomination of the Sea
Lev 11:10-12 But anything that doesn't have fins or scales—whether from the seas or the rivers—any of the swarming creatures and living creatures in the waters are detestable for you.…

We eat abominable foods. We take celebrations that are abominations to God (Christmas, Easter, Sunday, etc.) and use them as “holy” days. We tolerate people that worship Gods other than…